I don't understand this statement "What upsets me most, however, is using entering Heaven as an excuse to take another’s life." You also mention numerous timed "to know your heart" & inner self" but offer no instruction how to do that.

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Great two Questions:

1 ... Many religions advocate and encourage the immoral act of killing another for the sake of religious or political advancement. You will "Go to Heaven" if you kill an infidel. Example: ISIS, the Crusades, Kamikazes [Japanese]. In the Bible, one of the most revered statements: "Thous shall not harm yourself or others."

2 ...I openly admit the casual use of the phrase "to know your heart" & inner self" [but offer no instruction how to do that]. The "heart" I am referring to is the place where your Heart Intelligence and Emotional base reside. It serves as the epicenter or critical point of your One True Being. When you are peaceful and feel bliss, you can identify with this condition. Using meditation, being with Nature, being in lovely relationships, feeling healthy are but a few good examples. Then we get into the notion of being a Self-Master, which infers being extremely aware of your thoughts, feelings, place, and actions as much as possible throughout the day. Staying focused on your inner beauty, that is, your True Self serves as a monitor. Learning how to feel physical and ethereal [spiritual] energies move through and into your body is most revealing.

I remain open to offering additional information and directions.

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